Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Personal Testimony

Greetings from the DR! Just wanted to give you an update of what's going on down here.

We started with a new group of Frontera, a discipleship program for new believers or girls who may not be believers, but want to learn more. Right now, we have 12 girls and we are going through at program called "God's Story" to give the girls a biblical foundation.  We will do our "survivor" trip at the end of this month so we are looking forward to that!

We also started up our JV team, which Chelsie is coaching and our varsity team which I will be coaching. We also continue to spend mornings up at a middle school in a town called Corocito running gym classes.  The college girls are all doing a great job.  They continue to serve at sites such as the special ed school, community health, as well as helping as serving as assistant coaches at our site.

Here is a picture of our varsity team with the Joshua outreach.  During January, we had the privilege to have two great teams come serve with us. Forge and Joshua were two great teams and they were a huge blessing and encouragement to us and the girls!

Varsity alongside Joshua team participants 
*If you want to see a short blog post from one of the Joshua girls about her time in the DR, you can visit this site:

We wanted to give you a little glimpse of what God is doing in the lives of some of our girls. Click the link below to hear about Mabelis' story.  Mabelis played on VC Revolution for four years and is now studying psychology so that she go on and help others! Watch to hear what God has done in her life/